Scoreboard Management presents clear summaries of sales, cost and profit data, with graphs for the following:
The "Company Overview" is primarily a "Profit or Loss" inquiry for the Month and Year to Date, which can show comparisons with the same periods last year, or against budget. This overview also displays current sales order position and the balances on primary asset and liability accounts.
The "Accounts Receivable" ScoreBoard displays the present A/R financial position, with collection performance data represented by "Average Days Outstanding" and "Average Days To Pay" statistics. Also shown, to highlight debt and collection trends, are the A/R Balance and Outstanding Days and Payment Days figures monthly for the past year.
The "Inventory Management" ScoreBoard is a very detailed analysis of the company or business unit's inventory. The main analysis key is by the product Purchasing Class (1 through 13), which is a finer and more accurate interpretation than the traditional "A-B-C" analysis. This ScoreBoard contains a wealth of information on the condition of a distributor's primary asset. A display inquiry directly focuses attention on key turns and service level data.
The "Customer Service" ScoreBoard is an excellent indicator of the trend of order turnaround, and fill percentages of orders and order lines. The data is presented with the situation as of yesterday, this month to date and the year to date to establish the rate of improvement of your Customer Service and warehouse procedures.
Management ScoreBoards offers a useful historical perspective in that the analysis displays may be quickly shown for prior periods up to 13 months ago

WebSeries Scoreboard Management Examples
Scoreboard Management
A powerful executive information system, current on a daily basis, highlighting revenue, expense and key performance indicators, by company, division, branch or business unit. A series of screen snapshots give immediate details on the company or business unit's health, with comparisons to prior periods and budget, to direct management attention to areas of success or problems. Subsidiary information then explores the key performance areas of credit control, inventory management and customer service.